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               Treatment Schedule:
​        Early Spring Crabgrass Control (March-April)


             Late Spring Broadleaf Control (May-June)


   Late Summer Grub, Pest & Insect Control (July-August)


      Early Fall Broadleaf Control (September-October)


          Late Fall Fertlization (November-December)


                                  Aeration (Autumn)




Why is weed control important for my lawn?

Weeds compete with grass for space, water, nutrients, and light. They can be very aggressive and take over a lawn quickly if not kept in check. Proper mowing, watering, and fertilization help control weeds more than anything; a thick lawn has a better chance to choke out weeds. Unfortunately, there are no preventative broadleaf weed products on the market, so we have to stay on them as they come up throughout the season (spring and fall).


Why is fertilizer important for my lawn?

Lawns require fertilizer to maintain health and vigor. The key is applying the correct fertilizer at the right time. A well-fertilized lawn will make your lawn healthier and thicker, which will help fight against weeds, drought, and disease. A slow-release nitrogen should be used to prevent excessive upper growth, as the roots are the key to any plant’s survival. The healthier the plant, the better, and fertilizer is a critical component to having a beautiful lawn


Why do I have broadleaf weeds after my first spring application?

The first application of the season is typically applied between March 1st and April 20th depending on the weather, and is meant for Crabgrass and other annual grassy weeds. It’s too cold to treat for broadleaf weeds during the first application. We apply a broadleaf weed control application on the second application later in the spring, and then again in the fall if you so choose. You'll actually get a bigger bang for the buck for the fall by killing the extra weeds that may have planted themselves during the summer. If you've seen a yard free of dandelions in the spring, they more than likely applied the broadleaf control in the fall. 


Do I need grub control or insect control on my lawn?

Grubs and insects are usually in our lawns every year. Weather conditions and population of the pests are what determines the amount of damage. If evidence of moles is seen or dug out areas where raccoons or skunks have tried to get a bite to eat, the grub and insect control will make the lawn not as appealing since there is not a food source. Taking care of grubs will also minimize the population of Japanese Beetles seen in the area.


How long should I wait to mow after an application?

For the best results, we advise 24 hours. For children and pets, please follow the same guideline. If the lawn is still wet from morning dew, you can wait until it’s dry to be sure. If you are mowing high, you can technically mow the same day and still be okay, but waiting 24 hours is best.


Can I apply broadleaf weed control or pre-emergent and still seed?

Most broadleaf weed control products need to be on the lawn at least 7-10 days ahead of seeding, and shouldn't be applied until after the lawn has been mowed at least 1-2 times. If you’ve applied a pre-emergent, you won’t be able to seed as it will keep the new seed from germinating. If you applied a pre-emergent in the spring, you won’t be able to seed until the fall.


Do I need to aerate my lawn?

Solid tine aeration is one of the best things that can be done for your lawn. In our area, our lawns are mostly clay based and are very tight and compacted. Solid tine aeration punches into the ground and reduces compaction and thatch. This also allows for better air, water and nutrient flow. Grass roots can then spread out. The healthier the root is, the healthier the plant. In a nutshell, aeration stimulates root growth, enhances water uptake, reduces soil compaction and improves oxygen and nutrients availability.


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